The Strata 2 Sand Goggle. A must-have for blasting through the wide-open desert on your motorcycle, ATV, or UTV. Clear vision is imperative to ensure your safety in the great wide open. Enhanced performance features block out the tiniest dust particles in the most demanding conditions.
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product 2 SAND Goggle Neon Yellow - Smoke Lens40.00// - Strata 2287027560525All Products277479194701ATV | UTV | Sand276535836749GogglesThe Strata 2 Sand Goggle. A must-have for blasting through the wide-open desert on your motorcycle, ATV, or UTV. Clear vision is imperative to ensure your safety in the great wide open. Enhanced performance features block out the tiniest dust particles in the most demanding conditions.pro100percentdiscountedgogglesnonsalesandsandstratatype:Gogglesadd-to-cart41368171610189Default Title40.0040.00// Title